Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Little Helper

Camryn's become quite the little helper these past few weeks. From wiping up "virtual" spills with a papertowel to dragging the grocery bags into the kitchen, she's showing us she's going to be a big helper. She drug about 5 bags from the front door to the kitchen, then started helping unpack the bags. I know, I know, they're plastic bags, but we recycle them at the grocery store so don't hate us for not being "green".


The Beard Family of 5 said...

is it wrong to focus on how freakin cute her shirt is??????? You can be green when she doesn't poop in diapers anymore! I am the WORST "green" person in the world, I wouldn't have even thought about that!

5Chamberlins said...

I agree w/ Shan, those bags are the best diaper-wrapper-uppers ever! (of course I learned that from Mickie so it figures we would both do that - haha). I need to be better about the whole "green" thing too ...we're terrible!

Summers Family said...

Okay, so I LOVE that she is such a great little helper and the shirt is adorable! BUT, I will bring you some of those great reusable bags to our next coffee night :-) Being "green" is great. Once you start you really won't want to stop. Between the reusable bags, energy saving light bulbs and the adjustments you can make to your toilet it really is so easy - seriously (and fun!) Consider it our gift to our children. I know, I know once again I am the odd ball of this group :-) Thank goodness you love me.