This was our 2nd annual trip to Pa's Pumpkin Patch in Long Beach. The set-up is great with gazillions of pumkins in every size you can imagine along with games, rides and a petting zoo.
This year we were able to take advantage of the activities Pa's had to offer because Camryn's a "big girl" now!!
We met up with Shannon who was there with her mom and kids Kade and Kyla (little Jack was at home with papa)and we had such a fun time eating funnel cakes and riding the train.
First we took some pictures by the pumpkins. Then we watched the ponies and then Camryn rode on the Pink Elephant ride all by herself. I couldn't tell if she was all that impressed because the look on her face was the same throughout the ride, a kind of "I like this but when it is going to stop" kind of look. We were so proud of her for not wanting to get off the second the ride started.
Then we took a ride on the carousel and walked into the petting zoo where she must have decided all of the white goats looked a little like Jenner so she had no hesitation when it came to pulling on their horns and trying to cuddle with them. Thank goodness they were all sedated and fat from all of the food because they didn't seem to mind Camryn's outgoing personality. We checked out the ostrich and the emu and the giant sow and bunnies. They also had little chicks in a mini barn of their own which made me want to build one for our own back yard. How fun would that be?
Our visit ended with a train ride. Camryn got to sit with Kade while Kyla manned the engine and sounded the whistle.
It was a fun day and we're looking forward to next year.